Tales of the Polish Camp Trail

A circular sign featuring a red bear surrounded by a floral wreath is placed beside a paved path in a lush garden. In the background, a stone archway partially covered by greenery is visible.

A group of fearless and brave Polish soldiers displaced by WWII were stationed at Cannon Hall. After the war the camp was turned into a home for many other people from Poland. Follow the trail across the parkland and gardens and discover more about this fascinating part of Cannon Hall’s history.

Free drop-in

Tales of the Polish Camp Activities

(PDF, 3.79 MB)

Follow the ten trail markers to discover Wojtek the Bear.

Download file - Tales of the Polish Camp Activities

Tales of the Polish Camp Trail Map

(PDF, 2.02 MB)

Follow the ten trail markers to discover the story of the Polish Camp.

Download file - Tales of the Polish Camp Trail Map

A black and white photo shows a group of eight men dressed in suits, posing outdoors. Five are standing behind three who are seated or kneeling in front. Behind them is a large historic building, likely Cannon Hall, with expansive grounds and a tree.

Read our blog about the resettlement camp